Meal times start with breakfast between 7:30 & 9 am - there is the opportunity of a rolling snack, wherby around 10.30am a favourite snack will be offered (as guided by you) which they can have or choose to leave. If left, it will be offered on multiple occasions until Lunch between 12 & 2.00pm. Tea will be between 3.00 & 4.00pm and if your little one is here for a full day, there will be an additional snack offered between 5.00 & 6.00pm. Fresh water is available to children all day (as well as organic, fresh fruit juice for the older children)


Our passion and love of food, has made us very aware of how diet affects the learning and development of all children and as a consequence all meals are home cooked with fresh, organic ingredients and provided fresh every day from breakfast through to teatime.

We consider everything from your child’s daily routine, food requirements, health and allergy issues and any concerns you may have as a parent.


Please find below a selection of breakfasts, snacks and meals to give you a flavour of the food that is available to nurture young bodies and minds.

We do try to provide food which will nourish and energise and meals that reflect the seasons throughout the year. All dietary requirements will be taken into consideration to produce a balanced diet throughout the day.