Welcome to our FAQ page! Here, you'll find answers to various common questions about First Stages Childminding Services. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us directly!
We are open 7:30am until 6:00pm from Monday to Friday.
We do have options available for early drop offs (from 7:00am) and late pick-ups (until 7:00pm), however these will both come at an additional cost.
I do provide free settling in sessions dependent on how much time your child will be going to spending with us. We hope this offers Parents & Carers confidence that their child will be happy in their new home from home environment.
The free settling in sessions are as follows:
3 sessions or less a week: 1 FREE 3 hour session
Between 4 and 6 sessions a week: 2 FREE 3 hour sessions
Full-Time Placement: 3 FREE 3 hour sessions
If we mutually agree that your child requires any more settling in sessions with us, this will incur a charge.
Prior to attending, I ask all parents to fill in a questionnaire about their child, covering a wide range of areas from their favourite food to favourite activities at home. This can give me a powerful insight into how they might be supported when they first arrive.
However, there is no 'quick fix' for children who are struggling to settle in and we may need to work closely together for a while to support the transition. Although, children will normally settle eventually if they are given lots of support and if everyone is patient.
Please note - if your child is attending for only one day a week, we have found it may take them considerably longer to settle.
If a child is continuing to fail to settle, I will be completely transparent with parents. We can either extend the settling-in period or, if I am very concerned about the child’s wellbeing, I might suggest to parents that their child might be better in a different setting and give notice. This is not an ‘easy option’ but it can sometimes be the best outcome for the child.
Working with parents is key and the more information you can give me about your child the better they will settle into First Stages.
We ask that all parents/carers provide the following:
Weather appropriate clothing -as we play out & take trips in all weathers! Such as wellies, coats, hats, scarves & gloves in the winter. T-shirts, shorts, sun hats, sandals & swimwear in the summer. (A lot of parents choose to leave an all in one with us during the Autumn/Winter months to ensure the children are ready to go outside, no matter what the weather). As we also do a lot of messy play, please send your child in clothes you are comfortable getting dirty!
Spare clothing - this is particularly important for majority of children in our care, whether they be infants who need a spare change of clothes following a meal or messy play, to older children that require multiple changes of pants, underwear & socks during potty training. If you plan to take your child out for a special occasion straight from us, please let us know & bring the clothes you want us to change them into.
Nappies, Baby wipes & Nappy Cream - these are to be provided by all parents however if you do forget, I do have my own supply. However, if you are consistently not providing them on a daily basis, these will incur a charge.
Medication & Creams - if your child requires these please bring them along & disclose at drop-off.
Suncream - please pop this in your child's bag during sunny weather.
Yes, we provide a digital diary on an online platform which covers what your child has done that day, along with what they have eaten, toileting etc.
There is also a 'wow moments' section on the online platform where we will upload photographs when your little one is trying something new, has been on a fun day out or has excelled themselves in an activity!
Dependent on the illness, the time frame can vary, however the below are the most important to take note of:
Sickness & Diharrea - Any child who has presented these symptoms will be sent home. Children are to remain at home & will NOT be readmitted to the setting until it has been at least 48 HOURS since the last episode.
Infectious or Contagious Illnesses - if your child is taking medication or applying topical creams for these illnesses, they must have been taking/using them for at least 48 HOURS before coming back into the setting to ensure they've began to take effect. We are happy to continue administering the medication after this period.
We provide a full Illness, Infectious Disease & Sickness Exclusion Policy which is given to all parents & carers upon enrolling at First Stages.
I will enforce these guidelines in order to protect myself, my assistant & my family.
No, I currently do not charge for sick days.
However, please bare in mind that if you knowingly bring your child in when they are unwell, myself & my assistant are not immune to illness, we are only human after all. We may have to unexpectedly close, therefore we will not be able to provide childcare for that day & you will have to seek alternative arrangements. Therefore, whilst I try my absolute best to refrain from shutting, please cooperate & do not bring your poorly child to the setting in order to prevent this from happening.
Payments depend on the amount of contracted days your child is with us:
For children attending 2 days or less, parents & carers can pay weekly on the Friday prior to care being given.
For children attending 3 days or more, parents & carers will pay on a monthly basis via bank transfer on the last Friday of the month.
All communication with parents is done via our online platform (which hosts the daily diaries) from which invoices will be sent & delivered via email.
Yes we currently are a funding provider.
As of September 2024, additional funding will now be available for children from 9 months old.
Yes, we are. The Tax-Free Childcare scheme is a Government scheme to help parents & carers pay for childcare costs, in which the government will contribute 20% to your childcare.